iCalendar Feed

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Calendar Feed Preview

A preview of the calendar can be found below:

NAME:RSVPs from https://www.jvt.me/kind/rsvps/
X-WR-CALNAME:RSVPs from https://www.jvt.me/kind/rsvps/
SUMMARY:My leaving drinks
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.jvt.me/events/persona
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2022/
 07/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-t5RBzNrhoYUa.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nThe link
  will be available from 15 minutes before the start of the event.\n\nStruc
 ture\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and ex
 plain the format for those that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through w
 hat we're planning on doing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writ
 ing / working time\n\nA quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\
 n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your 
 site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to 
 join the call\, but if you do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on
 .\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working o
 n what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that th
 ere will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just
  chat about anything Web-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's n
 ice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a fe
 w minutes to get your video on and ready if you want to participate\, or t
 urn your camera off if not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built som
 ething during the session? Or between the last session and today? Show it 
 off for us\, so we can see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\
 n\nA few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-t5RBzNrhoYUa</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>The link will be available from 15 minutes before the start of the
  event.</p><br><br><h1>Structure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event sta
 rt</h3><br><br><p>A few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for 
 those that aren't aware.</p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're 
 planning on doing for the session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet wr
 iting / working time</h3><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on wha
 t you want:</p><br><br><ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br>
 <li>โ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying
  bug on your site you can fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to j
 oin the call\, but if you do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.
 </p><br><br><h3>1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><b
 r><p>Continue working on what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with 
 the expectation that there will be lively conversation about what people a
 re working on\, or just chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>19
 00-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the a
 ttendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video
  on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.
 </p><br><br><h3>1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built someth
 ing during the session? Or between the last session and today? Show it off
  for us\, so we can see what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ E
 vent end</h3><br><br><p>A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the ne
 xt event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:IndieWebCamp Popup: How to Make the IndieWeb More Approachable
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2022/
 9p5.\n\n\n\nThe IndieWeb community welcomes anyone who is interested in ex
 pressing themselves on a personal website\, regardless of technical experi
 ence. In this meetup\, we will be asking the question \"how can we make th
 e IndieWeb more approachable to encourage greater participation and reach 
 a wider audience?\"\n\nSome topics we might want to cover include:\n\n\nWh
 at is the audience for the IndieWeb?\nOur stories joining the IndieWeb and
  roadblocks we ran into along the way.\nWhat resources would make it easie
 r to get started on the IndieWeb?\nHow can we effectively communicate the 
 IndieWeb to new joiners.\n\n\nAll are welcome to this meetup!\n\nSchedule\
 n\nTimes provided below are in Pacific Time.\n\n\n9:00: Welcome\, introduc
 tions\n9:15: Open forum to discuss how to make the IndieWeb more approacha
 ble\n10:00: Five minute break\, take photo (participation optional)\n10:05
 : Continuing discussions from earlier in the meeting\n11:00: Wrap up\n\n\n
 Meetup Resources\n\n\nEtherpad in which we can take notes (link will be ad
 ded 15 minutes before the meetup)\nDiscussions on the IndieWeb homepage\nI
 ndieWeb Chat\n\n\nThis meetup is being facilitated by James.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 p5</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The IndieWeb community welcomes anyone 
 who is interested in expressing themselves on a personal website\, regardl
 ess of technical experience. In this meetup\, we will be asking the questi
 on \"how can we make the IndieWeb more approachable to encourage greater p
 articipation and reach a wider audience?\"</p><br><br><p>Some topics we mi
 ght want to cover include:</p><br><br><ol><br><li>What is the audience for
  the IndieWeb?</li><br><li>Our stories joining the IndieWeb and roadblocks
  we ran into along the way.</li><br><li>What resources would make it easie
 r to get started on the IndieWeb?</li><br><li>How can we effectively commu
 nicate the IndieWeb to new joiners.</li><br></ol><br><br><p>All are welcom
 e to this meetup!</p><br><br><h2>Schedule</h2><br><br><p><em>Times provide
 d below are in Pacific Time.</em></p><br><br><ul><br><li>9:00: Welcome\, i
 ntroductions</li><br><li>9:15: Open forum to discuss how to make the Indie
 Web more approachable</li><br><li>10:00: Five minute break\, take photo (p
 articipation optional)</li><br><li>10:05: Continuing discussions from earl
 ier in the meeting</li><br><li>11:00: Wrap up</li><br></ul><br><br><h2>Mee
 tup Resources</h2><br><br><ul><br><li>Etherpad in which we can take notes 
 (link will be added 15 minutes before the meetup)</li><br><li><a href=\"ht
 tps://indieweb.org/site-homepage\">Discussions on the IndieWeb homepage</a
 ></li><br><li><a href=\"https://indieweb.org/discuss\">IndieWeb Chat</a></
 li><br></ul><br><br><p>This meetup is being facilitated by <a href=\"https
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 10/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-8EsXbc0ftBoS.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-8EsXbc0ftBoS</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:IndieAuth 2 Popup Session
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 10/indieauth-2-popup-session-5y88zAw4LtO9.\n\n\n\nIndieAuth is the most im
 plemented decentralized identity protocol\, built on top of OAuth 2.0.\n\n
 At the last IndieAuth protocol session\, we did not finish all the topics 
 of discussion.  This popup IndieWebCamp session will focus on discussions 
 to iterate and evolve the IndieAuth protocol. We will update this event wi
 th more details as the event gets closer. Discussion topics will be availa
 ble on the wiki\, through the link above.\n\nNotes: https://indieweb.org/2
 021/Pop-ups/IndieAuth2\n\nWho Should Attend?\n\nAnyone interested in Indie
 Auth is welcome! Specifically if you've built any IndieAuth clients or ser
 vers\, we want your input!\n\nSuggested Reading\n\nIf you're not already f
 amiliar with the IndieAuth spec\, please give it a read. We will be starti
 ng this session with the assumption that people are familiar with the basi
 cs of the IndieAuth protocol.\n\nFor a summary of the 2020 changes to the 
 spec\, see Aaron's post IndieAuth Spec Updates 2020\, and the notes on our
  August session.\n\nSince IndieAuth is built on top of OAuth 2.0\, it may 
 be helpful to have some knowledge of OAuth 2.0 and its extensions\, althou
 gh this is not required reading.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 LtO9</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p><a href=\"https://indieauth.net/\">In
 dieAuth</a> is the most implemented decentralized identity protocol\, buil
 t on top of OAuth 2.0.</p><br><br><p>At the last IndieAuth protocol sessio
 n\, we did not finish all the topics of discussion.  This popup IndieWebCa
 mp session will focus on discussions to iterate and evolve the IndieAuth p
 rotocol. We will update this event with more details as the event gets clo
 ser. Discussion topics will be available on the wiki\, through the link ab
 ove.</p><br><br><p>Notes: <a href=\"https://indieweb.org/2021/Pop-ups/Indi
 ho Should Attend?</h2><br><br><p>Anyone interested in IndieAuth is welcome
 ! Specifically if you've built any IndieAuth clients or servers\, we want 
 your input!</p><br><br><h2>Suggested Reading</h2><br><br><p>If you're not 
 already familiar with the IndieAuth spec\, please <a href=\"https://indiea
 uth.spec.indieweb.org/\">give it a read</a>. We will be starting this sess
 ion with the assumption that people are familiar with the basics of the In
 dieAuth protocol.</p><br><br><p>For a summary of the 2020 changes to the s
 pec\, see Aaron's post <a href=\"https://aaronparecki.com/2020/12/03/1/ind
 ieauth-2020\">IndieAuth Spec Updates 2020</a>\, and the notes on our <a hr
 ef=\"https://indieweb.org/2021/Pop-ups/IndieAuth\">August session</a>.</p>
 <br><br><p>Since IndieAuth is built on top of OAuth 2.0\, it may be helpfu
 l to have some knowledge of <a href=\"https://oauth.net/2/\">OAuth 2.0</a>
  and its extensions\, although this is not required reading.</p>
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2022/
 01/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-ikwTbwF909cv.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-ikwTbwF909cv</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:IndieWebCamp Popup: Displaying Responses
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2022/
 ing aesthetics and functionality for displaying responses and quotes from 
 other sites on our websites. (Less about the technical how-to\, more about
  interpersonal considerations and user-friendly styling.) Some ideas:\n\nh
 ow to display homepage mentions\nhow to style webmentions (e.g. do you wan
 t posts from people you know to show up differently?)\nhow to display a bl
 ogroll\nhow to style 'quotes' for different post kinds\n\n\nWe could also 
 discuss the \"should we\" side of backfeed\, which has come up in chat rec
 ently.\n\nAll are welcome!\n\nFacilitated by: Tracy Durnell (tracydurnell 
 in chat)\n\nTentative Schedule (all times Pacific):\n\n9:30-9:40 | Welcome
  and introductions\n9:40-10:30 | Projects\, ideas\, and what we're excited
  about in the future\n10:30-10:35 | Bio break + take a picture (optional)\
 n10:35-11:25 | Big picture / philosophical questions\, community online an
 d off\n11:25-11:30 | Wrap-up\n\nResources\n\n\nhashtag: #AnalogMeetsOnline
 \nIndieWeb Chat Room - or other ways to join the chat\nEtherpad: https://e
 therpad.indieweb.org/DisplayingResponses-Popup (for real time chat\, quest
 ions\, and note taking during the session)\nCode of Conduct: This event is
  covered by the IndieWeb Code of Conduct. By participating\, you're acknow
 ledging your acceptance of this code.\n\n\nWhat's an IndieWeb Popup?\nSinc
 e the pause on in-person meetups\, we've done online Indie Web Camps and H
 omebrew Website Clubs. We've also started having a new type of event calle
 d a popup: a single IWC session as a standalone event.\n\nRSVP (optional)\
 n\nIf your website supports it\, post an indie RSVP to this event.\nOr\, l
 og in to indieweb.org and click โ€œI'm Goingโ€ below.\n(And if none of th
 is means anything to you\, don't worry about it\; just show up on the day!
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ncorporating aesthetics and functionality for displaying responses and quo
 tes from other sites on our websites. (Less about the technical how-to\, m
 ore about interpersonal considerations and user-friendly styling.)</strong
 > Some ideas:</p><br><br><pre><code>how to display homepage mentions<br>ho
 w to style webmentions (e.g. do you want posts from people you know to sho
 w up differently?)<br>how to display a blogroll<br>how to style 'quotes' f
 or different post kinds<br></code></pre><br><br><p>We could also discuss t
 he \"should we\" side of backfeed\, which has come up in chat recently.</p
 ><br><br><p>All are welcome!</p><br><br><p>Facilitated by: Tracy Durnell (
 tracydurnell in chat)</p><br><br><h2>Tentative Schedule (all times Pacific
 ):</h2><br><br><p>9:30-9:40 | Welcome and introductions<br><br>9:40-10:30 
 | Projects\, ideas\, and what we're excited about in the future<br><br>10:
 30-10:35 | Bio break + take a picture (optional)<br><br>10:35-11:25 | Big 
 picture / philosophical questions\, community online and off<br><br>11:25-
 11:30 | Wrap-up</p><br><br><h2>Resources</h2><br><br><ul><br><li>hashtag: 
 #AnalogMeetsOnline</li><br><li><a href=\"https://chat.indieweb.org/indiewe
 b/\">IndieWeb Chat Room</a> - or <a href=\"https://indieweb.org/discuss\">
 other ways to join the chat</a></li><br><li>Etherpad: <a href=\"https://et
 org/DisplayingResponses-Popup</a> (for real time chat\, questions\, and no
 te taking during the session)</li><br><li>Code of Conduct: This event is c
 overed by the <a href=\"https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct\">IndieWeb Co
 de of Conduct</a>. By participating\, you're acknowledging your acceptance
  of this code.</li><br></ul><br><br><p><em>What's an IndieWeb Popup?</em><
 br>Since the pause on in-person meetups\, we've done online Indie Web Camp
 s and Homebrew Website Clubs. We've also started having a new type of even
 t called a popup: a single IWC session as a standalone event.</p><br><br><
 h2>RSVP (optional)</h2><br><br><p>If your website supports it\, post an <a
  href=\"https://indieweb.org/rsvp\">indie RSVP</a> to this event.<br><br>O
 r\, <a href=\"https://events.indieweb.org/login\">log in to indieweb.org</
 a> and click โ€œI'm Goingโ€ below.<br><br>(And if none of this means anyt
 hing to you\, don't worry about it\; just show up on the day!)</p>
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 05/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-vAEPOZTD3MkU.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-vAEPOZTD3MkU</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2022/
 03/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-O9YRvaGbQ1nx.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-O9YRvaGbQ1nx</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2022/
 01/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-usF0XwtkueWp.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-usF0XwtkueWp</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 04/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-Mkw6UfbHDPZj.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-Mkw6UfbHDPZj</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 06/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-pqX9qzmGWbHp.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-pqX9qzmGWbHp</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2022/
 03/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-LRgz95e37szv.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-LRgz95e37szv</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2022/
 03/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-aXFJI8sA8l1C.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-aXFJI8sA8l1C</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:IndieWeb Create Day
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 07/indieweb-create-day-B6zvFMa8yjTe.\n\n\n\nJoin us in the IndieWeb chat a
 nd in our Zoom room. Share ideas\, create & improve our personal websites\
 , and build upon each other's creations. Whether youโ€™re a creator\, writ
 er\, blogger\, coder\, designer\, or just someone who wants to improve the
 ir presence on the web\, all skill and experience levels welcome. Breakout
  rooms available for those who want to collaborate on the same topic.\n\nP
 ut projects you are planning/working on in the Etherpad at https://etherpa
 d.indieweb.org/IWCCreateDay-2021-07-10\n\nWe will open the Zoom at 9AM Pac
 ific Time\, or earlier for anyone who wishes it on another timezone. There
  is no expectation that you stay the whole day...pop in and out as you wis
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>Join us in the IndieWeb chat and in our Zoom room
 . Share ideas\, create &amp\; improve our personal websites\, and build up
 on each other's creations. Whether youโ€™re a creator\, writer\, blogger\,
  coder\, designer\, or just someone who wants to improve their presence on
  the web\, all skill and experience levels welcome. Breakout rooms availab
 le for those who want to collaborate on the same topic.</p><br><br><p>Put 
 projects you are planning/working on in the Etherpad at <a href=\"https://
 org/IWCCreateDay-2021-07-10</a></p><br><br><p>We will open the Zoom at 9AM
  Pacific Time\, or earlier for anyone who wishes it on another timezone. T
 here is no expectation that you stay the whole day...pop in and out as you
SUMMARY:IndieAuth Popup Session
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 08/indieauth-popup-session-8gwaJpICmh79.\n\n\n\nIndieAuth is the most impl
 emented decentralized identity protocol\, built on top of OAuth 2.0.\n\nIt
 's been a year since the last IndieAuth protocol session.  This popup Indi
 eWebCamp session will focus on discussions to iterate and evolve the Indie
 Auth protocol. We will update this event with more details as the event ge
 ts closer. Discussion topics are available on the wiki\, through the above
  link.\n\nNotes: https://indieweb.org/2021/Pop-ups/IndieAuth\n\nWho Should
  Attend?\n\nAnyone interested in IndieAuth is welcome! Specifically if you
 've built any IndieAuth clients or servers\, we want your input!\n\nSugges
 ted Reading\n\nIf you're not already familiar with the IndieAuth spec\, pl
 ease give it a read. We will be starting this session with the assumption 
 that people are familiar with the basics of the IndieAuth protocol.\n\nFor
  a summary of the recent changes to the spec\, see Aaron's post IndieAuth 
 Spec Updates 2020\n\nSince IndieAuth is built on top of OAuth 2.0\, it may
  be helpful to have some knowledge of OAuth 2.0 and its extensions\, altho
 ugh this is not required reading.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 </a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p><a href=\"https://indieauth.net/\">IndieA
 uth</a> is the most implemented decentralized identity protocol\, built on
  top of OAuth 2.0.</p><br><br><p>It's been a year since the last IndieAuth
  protocol session.  This popup IndieWebCamp session will focus on discussi
 ons to iterate and evolve the IndieAuth protocol. We will update this even
 t with more details as the event gets closer. Discussion topics are availa
 ble on the wiki\, through the above link.</p><br><br><p>Notes: <a href=\"h
 -ups/IndieAuth</a></p><br><br><h2>Who Should Attend?</h2><br><br><p>Anyone
  interested in IndieAuth is welcome! Specifically if you've built any Indi
 eAuth clients or servers\, we want your input!</p><br><br><h2>Suggested Re
 ading</h2><br><br><p>If you're not already familiar with the IndieAuth spe
 c\, please <a href=\"https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org/\">give it a read
 </a>. We will be starting this session with the assumption that people are
  familiar with the basics of the IndieAuth protocol.</p><br><br><p>For a s
 ummary of the recent changes to the spec\, see Aaron's post <a href=\"http
 s://aaronparecki.com/2020/12/03/1/indieauth-2020\">IndieAuth Spec Updates 
 2020</a></p><br><br><p>Since IndieAuth is built on top of OAuth 2.0\, it m
 ay be helpful to have some knowledge of <a href=\"https://oauth.net/2/\">O
 Auth 2.0</a> and its extensions\, although this is not required reading.</
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 07/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-v9Qs9NvKOeOJ.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-v9Qs9NvKOeOJ</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 05/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-QbtrPT07Bwn5.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-QbtrPT07Bwn5</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:Webmentions Beyond Webmention.io
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 05/webmentions-beyond-webmention-io-zG4JpHhZShVA.\n\n\n\nWebmentions haven
 't really been revisited in some time (and with the advent of people leani
 ng to Webmention.io). This is a chance to see what's been really wanted\, 
 what hasn't worked and where we can go with it.\n\nLet's webmunch on the r
 iddle of webmentions. How can we get more people hosting their own webment
 ion sending\, receiving\, and validating?\n\nHow can we prevent Webmention
 .io from being the beginning and end of IndieWeb participants' use of webm
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 on-io-zG4JpHhZShVA</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>Webmentions haven't rea
 lly been revisited in some time (and with the advent of people leaning to 
 Webmention.io). This is a chance to see what's been really wanted\, what h
 asn't worked and where we can go with it.</p><br><br><p>Let's webmunch on 
 the riddle of webmentions. How can we get more people hosting their own we
 bmention sending\, receiving\, and validating?</p><br><br><p>How can we pr
 event Webmention.io from being the beginning and end of IndieWeb participa
 nts' use of webmentions?</p><br><br><h2>Notes</h2><br><br><p><a href=\"htt
 <h2>Chat</h2><br><br><p><a href=\"https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2021-05-15
SUMMARY:Microsub Popup Session
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 07/microsub-popup-session-jjQzemcBDugp.\n\n\n\nMicrosub is a proposed stan
 dard for creating a new generation of social readers that decouples the ma
 nagement of subscriptions to feeds and the parsing/delivering content from
  the user interface and presentation of the content.\n\nThis popup IndieWe
 bCamp session will focus on discussions to iterate and evolve the Microsub
  standard.\n\nWho Should Attend?\n\nAnyone interested in Microsub is welco
 me! Specifically if you've built any Microsub clients or servers\, we want
  your input!\n\nSuggested Reading\n\nIf you're not already familiar with t
 he Microsub spec\, please give it a read. We will be starting this session
  with the assumption that people are familiar with the basic concepts of t
 he standard..
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p><a href=\"https://indieweb.org/Microsub\">M
 icrosub</a> is a proposed standard for creating a new generation of social
  readers that decouples the management of subscriptions to feeds and the p
 arsing/delivering content from the user interface and presentation of the 
 content.</p><br><br><p>This popup IndieWebCamp session will focus on discu
 ssions to iterate and evolve the Microsub standard.</p><br><br><h2>Who Sho
 uld Attend?</h2><br><br><p>Anyone interested in Microsub is welcome! Speci
 fically if you've built any Microsub clients or servers\, we want your inp
 ut!</p><br><br><h2>Suggested Reading</h2><br><br><p>If you're not already 
 familiar with the Microsub spec\, please <a href=\"https://indieweb.org/Mi
 crosub-spec\">give it a read</a>. We will be starting this session with th
 e assumption that people are familiar with the basic concepts of the stand
SUMMARY:Show and Tell - DDaT Capability Framework update
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sh
 A show and tell to share the DDaT Profession team's findings on the DDaT C
 apability Framework discovery work that took place June-September.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 <br><br>A show and tell to share the DDaT Profession team's findings on th
 e DDaT Capability Framework discovery work that took place June-September.
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 08/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-jSkMZznh6bhP.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-jSkMZznh6bhP</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 10/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-P9xE0w648Lqz.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-P9xE0w648Lqz</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 06/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-Qp6Eek8A73fr.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-Qp6Eek8A73fr</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:Deploy with Docker
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/phpminds-i
 n-nottingham/events/286571656.\n\n\n\n```\nLearn the six essentials steps 
 to deploying applications.\n\nAre you tired of hearing how \"simple\" it i
 s to deploy apps with Docker Compose\, because your experience is more one
  of frustration? Have you read countless blog posts and forum threads that
  promised to teach you how to deploy apps with Docker Compose\, only for o
 ne or more essential steps to be missing\, outdated\, or broken?\n\nSome y
 ears back\, I was in exactly this position. In my quest to deploy apps tha
 t I'd developed locally with Docker Compose\, I'd read the documentation a
 long with countless blog posts\, yet was left more frustrated than anythin
 g else.\n\nSo\, I decided to sit down and figure out the simplest approach
  to deploying apps with Docker Compose and then to document my findings.\n
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 r><br><br>```<br>Learn the six essentials steps to deploying applications.
 <br><br>Are you tired of hearing how \"simple\" it is to deploy apps with 
 Docker Compose\, because your experience is more one of frustration? Have 
 you read countless blog posts and forum threads that promised to teach you
  how to deploy apps with Docker Compose\, only for one or more essential s
 teps to be missing\, outdated\, or broken?<br><br>Some years back\, I was 
 in exactly this position. In my quest to deploy apps that I'd developed lo
 cally with Docker Compose\, I'd read the documentation along with countles
 s blog posts\, yet was left more frustrated than anything else.<br><br>So\
 , I decided to sit down and figure out the simplest approach to deploying 
 apps with Docker Compose and then to document my findings.<br>```
SUMMARY:Enter bidirectional contract testing (BDCT)
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/HoustonSQE
 G/events/286411976.\n\n\n\nConsumer-driven contract testing has proven its
 elf as a way to lighten the burden of large-scale integration testing in h
 ighly distributed software systems. However\, implementing full-blown 'tra
 ditional' contract testing\, for example using Pact\, is a significant eff
 ort\, and that has kept quite a few teams from adopting contract testing.\
 n\nEnter bidirectional contract testing (BDCT). This new approach to contr
 act testing makes it much easier for both consumers and providers to adopt
  contract testing\, as it leverages existing tools\, techniques and infras
 tructure to generate and compare contracts.\n\nIn this talk\, our guest sp
 eaker Bas Dijkstra will show you how BDCT works and how it is different fr
 om 'traditional' contract testing. He will also show you a working example
  in Java to illustrate how BDCT works\, and how it simplifies the adoption
  of contract testing.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ven contract testing has proven itself as a way to lighten the burden of l
 arge-scale integration testing in highly distributed software systems. How
 ever\, implementing full-blown 'traditional' contract testing\, for exampl
 e using Pact\, is a significant effort\, and that has kept quite a few tea
 ms from adopting contract testing.<br><br>Enter bidirectional contract tes
 ting (BDCT). This new approach to contract testing makes it much easier fo
 r both consumers and providers to adopt contract testing\, as it leverages
  existing tools\, techniques and infrastructure to generate and compare co
 ntracts.<br><br>In this talk\, our guest speaker Bas Dijkstra will show yo
 u how BDCT works and how it is different from 'traditional' contract testi
 ng. He will also show you a working example in Java to illustrate how BDCT
  works\, and how it simplifies the adoption of contract testing.
SUMMARY:[Online] Dr Mike Pound - Cracking the Enigma Machine
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/Nottingham
 -IoT-Meetup/events/278579493/.\n\n\n\nSponsored by PJG Creations Ltd\, Tec
 h Nottingham\, Stkrs & JetBrains. About the Event: We'll be kicking off at
  18:30BST for an open networking chat on Zoom\, before kicking our talks o
 ff at 19:00. Do feel free to head over to https://zoom.us & create yoursel
 f an account as well as downloading the client to your favourite machine! 
 We'll also be streaming the Meetup on YouTube. We'll tweet out the link as
  soon as we know what it is! If you struggle at all\, then get in touch AS
 AP so we can help! What we'll be doing: Dr Mike Pound - Cracking the Enigm
 a Machine: Enigma is known as the highly complex WWII cipher\, but how doe
 s it hold up in 2021? Dr Mike Pound demonstrates how we can use modern com
 puting techniques to help crack the Enigma\, but it's not as easy as you'd
  think! Our speaker: Dr Mike Pound: Dr Mike Pound is a computer scientist 
 whose research focuses on the development of novel computer vision techniq
 ues. He works with bioscientists to apply these computer vision techniques
  to plant phenotyping\, providing accurate measurement of 2D and 3D shape 
 information of plants. The bioscientists can use this information to expla
 in the underlying mechanisms for how plants grow. Mike has developed tools
  that allow biologists to measure plant root systems\, these have been ado
 pted by researchers all over the world. Mike is known for his work in the 
 areas of bioimage analysis\, computer vision\, image recognition\, compute
 r security\, and for his appearances on the video series Computerphile. Yo
 u can reach him at: Twitter - https://twitter.com/_mikepound LinkedIn - ht
 tps://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-pound-b1b3a5121 Swag: We'll be giving aw
 ay a JetBrains license to one lucky attendee!
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 r><br><br><p>Sponsored by PJG Creations Ltd\, Tech Nottingham\, Stkrs &amp
 \; JetBrains.</p> <p>About the Event:</p> <p>We'll be kicking off at 18:30
 BST for an open networking chat on Zoom\, before kicking our talks off at 
 19:00.</p> <p>Do feel free to head over to <a href=\"https://zoom.us\" cla
 ss=\"linkified\">https://zoom.us</a> &amp\; create yourself an account as 
 well as downloading the client to your favourite machine!</p> <p>We'll als
 o be streaming the Meetup on YouTube.</p> <p>We'll tweet out the link as s
 oon as we know what it is!</p> <p>If you struggle at all\, then get in tou
 ch ASAP so we can help!</p> <p>What we'll be doing:</p> <p>Dr Mike Pound -
  Cracking the Enigma Machine:</p> <p>Enigma is known as the highly complex
  WWII cipher\, but how does it hold up in 2021?</p> <p>Dr Mike Pound demon
 strates how we can use modern computing techniques to help crack the Enigm
 a\, but it's not as easy as you'd think!</p> <p>Our speaker:</p> <p>Dr Mik
 e Pound:</p> <p>Dr Mike Pound is a computer scientist whose research focus
 es on the development of novel computer vision techniques.</p> <p>He works
  with bioscientists to apply these computer vision techniques to plant phe
 notyping\, providing accurate measurement of 2D and 3D shape information o
 f plants.</p> <p>The bioscientists can use this information to explain the
  underlying mechanisms for how plants grow.</p> <p>Mike has developed tool
 s that allow biologists to measure plant root systems\, these have been ad
 opted by researchers all over the world.</p> <p>Mike is known for his work
  in the areas of bioimage analysis\, computer vision\, image recognition\,
  computer security\, and for his appearances on the video series Computerp
 hile.</p> <p>You can reach him at:</p> <p>Twitter - <a href=\"https://twit
 ter.com/_mikepound\" class=\"linkified\">https://twitter.com/_mikepound</a
 ><br/>LinkedIn - <a href=\"https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-pound-b1b3a
 5121\" class=\"linkified\">https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-pound-b1b3a
 5121</a></p> <p>Swag:</p> <p>We'll be giving away a JetBrains license to o
 ne lucky attendee!</p> 
SUMMARY:Women in Tech 3rd June - Journey from Junior to Lead with Jess Whi
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/Women-In-T
 ech-Nottingham/events/278166197/.\n\n\n\nThis month we have a last minute 
 change of schedule and welcome our very own Jess White back to speak at Wo
 men in Tech Nottingham. Plus we'll be having fun\, playing some games and 
 giving away swag and prizes. Join us on Zoom. The joining link will be pub
 lished on the night of the event. New to Online WiT? Read about what to ex
 pect here: https://www.technottingham.com/news/2020/5/6/attending-an-onlin
 e-tech-nottingham-event ------------------------ ***Journey from Junior to
  Lead and AMA*** by Jess White Jess will be sharing her journey from Junio
 r Developer to Tech Lead - how she found her feet and passion. Jess knows 
 first hand that finding your voice and believing in yourself is as much a 
 full time job as learning software development. Plus sheโ€™ll be leading a
 n Ask Me Anything (AMA) and invites the audience to ask about career progr
 ession\, line management\, learning tech\, career paths and anything else!
  **About Jess** Jessica is a Lead Developer at The Legal Aid Agency\, inte
 rnational speaker\, Microsoft MVP in Developer Technologies & avid learner
 . Topics that she is interested in include community building\, monitoring
  and continuous improvement of systems. She is a Director and Co-Founder o
 f DDD East Midlands Conference. Previous to this they founded the Women In
  Tech\, Nottingham meetup in 2015 and ran it until 2017. Before switching 
 to technology\, they spent a previous life as a neuroscientist. They are e
 asily bribed with coffee & loves hearing about other peopleโ€™s experience
 s. **Change of Schedule** Tess Cooper was scheduled to speak tonight but w
 e have rescheduled her talk for later in the year. At Women in Tech we pri
 oritise health and well-being above all else and we always do what we can 
 to help our speakers and attendees feel the best they possible can - even 
 if that means rescheduling an amazing talk! **Win Free Stuff At WiT Notts!
 ** Weโ€™ll be giving away some awesome prizes to our lucky attendees. Deta
 ils on how to win will be shared during the event. **Join in with the Nott
 ingham Tech Community online** The conversation continues online in the Te
 ch Nottingham Slack group\, which is a bustling\, friendly online communit
 y with a channel for (almost) everything you can think of from #pets-corne
 r to #devcorner\, #podcasts to #design and everything in between. We'd lov
 e to see you there! http://www.technottingham.com/slack **Thanks to our sp
 onsors** Capital One\, Commify\, London Stock Exchange Group and MHR **For
  all the details\, check our website** https://www.technottingham.com/even
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 <br><br><br><br><p>This month we have a last minute change of schedule and
  welcome our very own Jess White back to speak at Women in Tech Nottingham
 .</p> <p>Plus we'll be having fun\, playing some games and giving away swa
 g and prizes.</p> <p>Join us on Zoom. The joining link will be published o
 n the night of the event.</p> <p>New to Online WiT? Read about what to exp
 ect here:<br/><a href=\"https://www.technottingham.com/news/2020/5/6/atten
 ding-an-online-tech-nottingham-event\" class=\"linkified\">https://www.tec
 ></p> <p>------------------------</p> <p>***Journey from Junior to Lead an
 d AMA***<br/>by Jess White</p> <p>Jess will be sharing her journey from Ju
 nior Developer to Tech Lead - how she found her feet and passion. Jess kno
 ws first hand that finding your voice and believing in yourself is as much
  a full time job as learning software development.</p> <p>Plus sheโ€™ll be
  leading an Ask Me Anything (AMA) and invites the audience to ask about ca
 reer progression\, line management\, learning tech\, career paths and anyt
 hing else!</p> <p>**About Jess**</p> <p>Jessica is a Lead Developer at The
  Legal Aid Agency\, international speaker\, Microsoft MVP in Developer Tec
 hnologies &amp\; avid learner. Topics that she is interested in include co
 mmunity building\, monitoring and continuous improvement of systems.</p> <
 p>She is a Director and Co-Founder of DDD East Midlands Conference. Previo
 us to this they founded the Women In Tech\, Nottingham meetup in 2015 and 
 ran it until 2017.</p> <p>Before switching to technology\, they spent a pr
 evious life as a neuroscientist. They are easily bribed with coffee &amp\;
  loves hearing about other peopleโ€™s experiences.</p> <p>**Change of Sche
 dule**<br/>Tess Cooper was scheduled to speak tonight but we have reschedu
 led her talk for later in the year. At Women in Tech we prioritise health 
 and well-being above all else and we always do what we can to help our spe
 akers and attendees feel the best they possible can - even if that means r
 escheduling an amazing talk!</p> <p>**Win Free Stuff At WiT Notts!**<br/>W
 eโ€™ll be giving away some awesome prizes to our lucky attendees. Details 
 on how to win will be shared during the event.</p> <p>**Join in with the N
 ottingham Tech Community online**</p> <p>The conversation continues online
  in the Tech Nottingham Slack group\, which is a bustling\, friendly onlin
 e community with a channel for (almost) everything you can think of from #
 pets-corner to #devcorner\, #podcasts to #design and everything in between
 . We'd love to see you there! <a href=\"http://www.technottingham.com/slac
 k\" class=\"linkified\">http://www.technottingham.com/slack</a></p> <p>**T
 hanks to our sponsors**<br/>Capital One\, Commify\, London Stock Exchange 
 Group and MHR</p> <p>**For all the details\, check our website**<br/><a hr
 ef=\"https://www.technottingham.com/events/wit-june-2021\" class=\"linkifi
SUMMARY:Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham
LOCATION:Ludorati Cafรฉ\, 72 Maid Marian Way\, United Kingdom
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://events.indieweb.org/2021/
 11/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-KFHtENmJNpvC.\n\n\n\nThe Homebrew Webs
 ite Club is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who
  are building\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The mee
 ting is an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspirati
 on\, or quietly work on your site.\n\nHomebrew Website Clubs are run acros
 s the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.\n\nFor now\
 , this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, and the link share
 d with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.\n\nStructure\n\n1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ 
 Event start\n\nA few words to say welcome\, and explain the format for tho
 se that aren't aware.\n\nWe'll also talk through what we're planning on do
 ing for the session.\n\n1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time\n\nA 
 quiet time where you can work on what you want:\n\n\nโœ๏ธ Working on a b
 log post?\nโ›๏ธ Building something new for your site?\n๐Ÿ› Annoying bug
  on your site you can fix?\n\n\nYou don't need to join the call\, but if y
 ou do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.\n\n1830-1905: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€
 ๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time\n\nContinue working on what you were doing d
 uring the quiet hour\, with the expectation that there will be lively conv
 ersation about what people are working on\, or just chat about anything We
 b-related!\n\n1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time!\n\nIt's nice to get a photo of t
 he attendees (for posterity) - you'll be given a few minutes to get your v
 ideo on and ready if you want to participate\, or turn your camera off if 
 not.\n\n1905-1930: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos\n\nHave you built something during the sessi
 on? Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can 
 see what you've been upto.\n\n1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end\n\nA few closing remark
 s\, and mentioning when the next event will be.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 ngham-KFHtENmJNpvC</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br><p>The Homebrew Website Cl
 ub is a regular meeting for enthusiasts and hobbyist programmers who are b
 uilding\, or thinking of building\, their personal websites. The meeting i
 s an informal setting where you can talk with others\, get inspiration\, o
 r quietly work on your site.</p><br><br><p>Homebrew Website Clubs are run 
 across the world and have a mixture of styles for how they operate.</p><br
 ><br><p>For now\, this will only be available to the Nottingham folks\, an
 d the link shared with them on the Tech Nottingham Slack.</p><br><br><h1>S
 tructure</h1><br><br><h3>1730-1735: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event start</h3><br><br><p>A few 
 words to say welcome\, and explain the format for those that aren't aware.
 </p><br><br><p>We'll also talk through what we're planning on doing for th
 e session.</p><br><br><h3>1735-1830: ๐Ÿคซ Quiet writing / working time</h3
 ><br><br><p>A quiet time where you can work on what you want:</p><br><br><
 ul><br><li>โœ๏ธ Working on a blog post?</li><br><li>โ›๏ธ Building some
 thing new for your site?</li><br><li>๐Ÿ› Annoying bug on your site you ca
 n fix?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>You don't need to join the call\, but if yo
 u do\, you don't need to have your audio/video on.</p><br><br><h3>1830-190
 5: ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป Social / co-working time</h3><br><br><p>Continue working on
  what you were doing during the quiet hour\, with the expectation that the
 re will be lively conversation about what people are working on\, or just 
 chat about anything Web-related!</p><br><br><h3>1900-1905: ๐Ÿ“ธ Photo Time
 !</h3><br><br><p>It's nice to get a photo of the attendees (for posterity)
  - you'll be given a few minutes to get your video on and ready if you wan
 t to participate\, or turn your camera off if not.</p><br><br><h3>1905-193
 0: ๐Ÿ“บ Demos</h3><br><br><p>Have you built something during the session? 
 Or between the last session and today? Show it off for us\, so we can see 
 what you've been upto.</p><br><br><h3>1930: ๐Ÿ‘‹ Event end</h3><br><br><p>
 A few closing remarks\, and mentioning when the next event will be.</p>
SUMMARY:The Wonders and Woes of Webhooks (in Kubernetes)
LOCATION:Rebel Recruiters\, Huntingdon Street\, Nottingham\, NG1 3BY\, gb
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/devops-not
 ts/events/288022574.\n\n\n\n**The Talk\;**\n**The Wonders and Woes of Webh
 ooks (in Kubernetes)**\nSince introduced in Kubernetes v1.9\, webhooks hav
 e been a key feature\, making up one of the cornerstones of Kubernetes ext
 ensibility. When used right\, they can allow operators to have much more c
 ontrol over their clusters and with tooling like Kyverno and Gatekeeper it
 โ€™s easier than ever to leverage their full power. But\, when misused\, t
 hings can get very\, very messy.\nSo how do we ensure our webhooks are ful
 l of wonders and not woes?\nBy taking a look at the history of webhooks in
  Kubernetes\, the driving force behind their adoption and through several 
 horror stories of webhooks gone wrong\, we can develop a set of best pract
 ices and guidelines to follow to ensure our webhooks stay full of wonder w
 ithout the woes.\n\n**Speaker Bio** \\- Marcus is a platform engineer at G
 iant Swarm\\\, a company dedicated to offering managed Kubernetes solution
 s\\. His main area of focus in recent years has been around Go\\\, Kuberne
 tes\\\, containers and DevOps but originally started out as a web develope
 r and JavaScript enthusiast\\. A self\\-described \"tinkerer\"\\\, when no
 t building Kubernetes solutions\\\, Marcus likes to dabble with 3D printin
 g and experimenting with smart home tech\\.\nFind Marcus on socials\;\nTwi
 tter\; [https://twitter.com/Marcus_Noble_](https://twitter.com/Marcus_Nobl
 e_)\nLinkedIn\; [https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcusnoble/](https://www.lin
 kedin.com/in/marcusnoble/)\nBlog\; [https://marcusnoble.co.uk/](https://ma
 rcusnoble.co.uk/)\n\n**Agenda**\;\n\n18:30\; Doors Open\n19:00\; Marcus No
 ble delivers his talk\n19:45\; Pizza and catch up\n20:00\; wrap up
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 .com/devops-notts/events/288022574</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br>**The Talk
 \;**<br>**The Wonders and Woes of Webhooks (in Kubernetes)**<br>Since intr
 oduced in Kubernetes v1.9\, webhooks have been a key feature\, making up o
 ne of the cornerstones of Kubernetes extensibility. When used right\, they
  can allow operators to have much more control over their clusters and wit
 h tooling like Kyverno and Gatekeeper itโ€™s easier than ever to leverage 
 their full power. But\, when misused\, things can get very\, very messy.<b
 r>So how do we ensure our webhooks are full of wonders and not woes?<br>By
  taking a look at the history of webhooks in Kubernetes\, the driving forc
 e behind their adoption and through several horror stories of webhooks gon
 e wrong\, we can develop a set of best practices and guidelines to follow 
 to ensure our webhooks stay full of wonder without the woes.<br><br>**Spea
 ker Bio** \\- Marcus is a platform engineer at Giant Swarm\\\, a company d
 edicated to offering managed Kubernetes solutions\\. His main area of focu
 s in recent years has been around Go\\\, Kubernetes\\\, containers and Dev
 Ops but originally started out as a web developer and JavaScript enthusias
 t\\. A self\\-described \"tinkerer\"\\\, when not building Kubernetes solu
 tions\\\, Marcus likes to dabble with 3D printing and experimenting with s
 mart home tech\\.<br>Find Marcus on socials\;<br>Twitter\; [https://twitte
 r.com/Marcus_Noble_](https://twitter.com/Marcus_Noble_)<br>LinkedIn\; [htt
 oble/)<br>Blog\; [https://marcusnoble.co.uk/](https://marcusnoble.co.uk/)<
 br><br>**Agenda**\;<br><br>18:30\; Doors Open<br>19:00\; Marcus Noble deli
 vers his talk<br>19:45\; Pizza and catch up<br>20:00\; wrap up
SUMMARY:Microsoft JDConf 2022 - Europe-Middle-East-Africa
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/global-jav
 a-at-microsoft-meetup-group/events/285381736.\n\n\n\nMicrosoft JDConf is a
  free\, virtual\, Java focused conference where developers can come togeth
 er to share interesting topics and stay engaged. The event will be streame
 d on LearnTV. Learn more about the latest cloud development trends\, best 
 practices\, tips\, tricks\, and more. Our goal is to highlight Java expert
  speakers and showcase the great work thatโ€™s going on across the Java co
 mmunity.\n\n**AGENDA**\n**2:00 AM โ€“ 2:30 AM PDT \\|** Welcome to JDConf 
 EMEA\n**2:30 AM โ€“ 3:00 AM PDT \\|** Do More with GraalVM with Alina Yure
 nko\n**3:00 AM โ€“ 3:30 AM PDT \\|** Debugging at Scale in Production - De
 ep Into Your Containers with kubectl debug\, KoolKits and CO with Shai Alm
 og\n**3:30 AM โ€“ 4:00 AM PDT \\|** Bayesian Optimization and Java Perform
 ance in Kubernetes with Dinakar Guniguntala and Kusuma Chalasani\n**4:00 A
 M โ€“ 4:30 AM PDT \\|** The Hacker's Guide to XSS Injection with Patrycja 
 Wegrzynowicz\n**4:30 AM โ€“ 5:00 AM PDT \\|** Coding Spring Boot Applicati
 ons in Visual Studio Code with Martin Lippert\n**5:00 AM โ€“ 5:25 AM PDT \
 \|** Integration Test Driven Java Development in the Cloud - with Codespac
 es and Testcontainers! with Kevin Wittek\n**5:25 AM โ€“ 5:30 AM PDT \\|** 
 Closing Remarks\n\nJDConf 2022 will run live over three programming blocks
  suited to a range of time zones\; this block is for the Europe-Middle-Eas
 t-Africa. You may sign up to the other blocks by visiting the links below:
 \n\n* [JDConf 2022 - Americas](https://www.meetup.com/global-java-at-micro
 soft-meetup-group/events/285377548/)\n* [JDConf 2022 - Asia-Pacific-Austra
 85377743/)\n\nWe hope to see you there!
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 /285381736</a></em></p>.<br><br><br><br>Microsoft JDConf is a free\, virtu
 al\, Java focused conference where developers can come together to share i
 nteresting topics and stay engaged. The event will be streamed on LearnTV.
  Learn more about the latest cloud development trends\, best practices\, t
 ips\, tricks\, and more. Our goal is to highlight Java expert speakers and
  showcase the great work thatโ€™s going on across the Java community.<br><
 br>**AGENDA**<br>**2:00 AM โ€“ 2:30 AM PDT \\|** Welcome to JDConf EMEA<br
 >**2:30 AM โ€“ 3:00 AM PDT \\|** Do More with GraalVM with Alina Yurenko<b
 r>**3:00 AM โ€“ 3:30 AM PDT \\|** Debugging at Scale in Production - Deep 
 Into Your Containers with kubectl debug\, KoolKits and CO with Shai Almog<
 br>**3:30 AM โ€“ 4:00 AM PDT \\|** Bayesian Optimization and Java Performa
 nce in Kubernetes with Dinakar Guniguntala and Kusuma Chalasani<br>**4:00 
 AM โ€“ 4:30 AM PDT \\|** The Hacker's Guide to XSS Injection with Patrycja
  Wegrzynowicz<br>**4:30 AM โ€“ 5:00 AM PDT \\|** Coding Spring Boot Applic
 ations in Visual Studio Code with Martin Lippert<br>**5:00 AM โ€“ 5:25 AM 
 PDT \\|** Integration Test Driven Java Development in the Cloud - with Cod
 espaces and Testcontainers! with Kevin Wittek<br>**5:25 AM โ€“ 5:30 AM PDT
  \\|** Closing Remarks<br><br>JDConf 2022 will run live over three program
 ming blocks suited to a range of time zones\; this block is for the Europe
 -Middle-East-Africa. You may sign up to the other blocks by visiting the l
 inks below:<br><br>* [JDConf 2022 - Americas](https://www.meetup.com/globa
 l-java-at-microsoft-meetup-group/events/285377548/)<br>* [JDConf 2022 - As
 up-group/events/285377743/)<br><br>We hope to see you there!
SUMMARY:Cross-site scripting masterclass XSS
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/PHPMiNDS-i
 n-Nottingham/events/278688403/.\n\n\n\nThis talk will take you through eve
 rything you need to know about XSS as a developer: the various ways in whi
 ch XSS vulnerabilities occur\, how you should (and shouldn't) defend again
 st them and some newer browser technologies that can help you make your ap
 plications more robust.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 <br><br><br><p>This talk will take you through everything you need to know
  about XSS as a developer: the various ways in which XSS vulnerabilities o
 ccur\, how you should (and shouldn't) defend against them and some newer b
 rowser technologies that can help you make your applications more robust.<
SUMMARY:Tech Nottingham May 10th - Peaks and Valleys: Navigating growth
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/Tech-Notti
 ngham/events/277647592/.\n\n\n\nThis month we welcome fantastic speakers R
 iz and Daryl to Tech Nottingham Plus we'll be having fun\, playing some ga
 mes and giving away swag and prizes. Join us on Zoom. https://nott.tech/tn
 -may-2021-zoom Password: TNMay21! ***Peaks and Valleys: Navigating growth*
 ** by Rizwana Khan and Daryl Cecile Founding a small start-up unexpectedly
 \, was the start of our journey of navigating growth. As first-time founde
 rs\, we found ourselves needing to balance improvisation and long-term str
 ategy whilst also wearing a multitude of hats\, jumping over financial hur
 dles\, and keeping our momentum. By the end of this coming-of-age talk\, w
 e hope to share our experiences of creating a community-backed projectโ€”e
 specially for those who find themselves in similar\, unexpected spotsโ€”as
  well as our hopes for the future of the tech industry in Nottingham and b
 eyond. **About Rizwana and Daryl** Rizwana Akmal Khan and Daryl Cecile are
  co-founders of ProjectFunction\, a start-up set up in 2018\, which aims t
 o educate and encourage under-represented and marginalised people to get i
 nvolved in the tech industry. Rizwana is a designer-developer\, poet\, pod
 caster\, and occasional-speaker. As a third-culture adult\, she has grown 
 up valuing diverse work environments and will always stand in support of s
 paces where people who may be seen as outsiders are given centre stage. Da
 ryl is a developer and educator\, committed to opening up the tech industr
 y to a more diverse group of people\; instilling a philosophy of discovery
  and collaboration into those taking their first steps into the industry\,
  especially providing support to those who are marginalised and overlooked
 . **Win Stuff at Tech Nottingham!** Weโ€™ll be giving away some awesome pr
 izes to our lucky attendees. Details on how to win will be shared during t
 he event. **Join in with the Nottingham Tech Community online** The Tech N
 ottingham Slack group is a bustling chat community of Nottingham tech folk
  sharing ideas\, jokes\, stories and helping one another. We'd love for yo
 u to join in and be a part of it! Join our Slack group: http://www.technot
 tingham.com/slack **Thanks to our sponsors** Capital One\, Cronofy\, MHR F
 ull event details here: https://www.technottingham.com/events/tech-notting
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 >This month we welcome fantastic speakers Riz and Daryl to Tech Nottingham
 </p> <p>Plus we'll be having fun\, playing some games and giving away swag
  and prizes.</p> <p>Join us on Zoom.<br/><a href=\"https://nott.tech/tn-ma
 y-2021-zoom\" class=\"linkified\">https://nott.tech/tn-may-2021-zoom</a><b
 r/>Password: TNMay21!</p> <p>***Peaks and Valleys: Navigating growth***<br
 />by Rizwana Khan and Daryl Cecile</p> <p>Founding a small start-up unexpe
 ctedly\, was the start of our journey of navigating growth. As first-time 
 founders\, we found ourselves needing to balance improvisation and long-te
 rm strategy whilst also wearing a multitude of hats\, jumping over financi
 al hurdles\, and keeping our momentum.<br/>By the end of this coming-of-ag
 e talk\, we hope to share our experiences of creating a community-backed p
 rojectโ€”especially for those who find themselves in similar\, unexpected 
 spotsโ€”as well as our hopes for the future of the tech industry in Nottin
 gham and beyond.</p> <p>**About Rizwana and Daryl**</p> <p>Rizwana Akmal K
 han and Daryl Cecile are co-founders of ProjectFunction\, a start-up set u
 p in 2018\, which aims to educate and encourage under-represented and marg
 inalised people to get involved in the tech industry.</p> <p>Rizwana is a 
 designer-developer\, poet\, podcaster\, and occasional-speaker. As a third
 -culture adult\, she has grown up valuing diverse work environments and wi
 ll always stand in support of spaces where people who may be seen as outsi
 ders are given centre stage.</p> <p>Daryl is a developer and educator\, co
 mmitted to opening up the tech industry to a more diverse group of people\
 ; instilling a philosophy of discovery and collaboration into those taking
  their first steps into the industry\, especially providing support to tho
 se who are marginalised and overlooked.</p> <p>**Win Stuff at Tech Notting
 ham!**</p> <p>Weโ€™ll be giving away some awesome prizes to our lucky atte
 ndees. Details on how to win will be shared during the event.</p> <p>**Joi
 n in with the Nottingham Tech Community online**</p> <p>The Tech Nottingha
 m Slack group is a bustling chat community of Nottingham tech folk sharing
  ideas\, jokes\, stories and helping one another. We'd love for you to joi
 n in and be a part of it!</p> <p>Join our Slack group: <a href=\"http://ww
 w.technottingham.com/slack\" class=\"linkified\">http://www.technottingham
 .com/slack</a></p> <p>**Thanks to our sponsors**<br/>Capital One\, Cronofy
 \, MHR</p> <p>Full event details here: <a href=\"https://www.technottingha
 m.com/events/tech-nottingham-may-2021\" class=\"linkified\">https://www.te
SUMMARY:Tech Nottingham October 2021 - Lightning Talks!
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/Tech-Notti
 ngham/events/280965433/.\n\n\n\nThis month we hand control over to โ€ฆ you
 ! The audience takes over in our ever-popular lightning talks event. Join 
 us on Zoom. The joining link will be published on the night of the event. 
 ----------------------- ***Lightning Talks*** A lightning talk is a short 
 talk\, under five minutes on whatever subject you wish to speak about (Cod
 e of Conduct permitting!). At the start of the session the audience has ti
 me to write their talk title on a virtual post-it and those talks make up 
 our evening. If there are too many talks to fit in to the evening\, we'll 
 vote on our favourites. For the audience it's a rapid-fire session where y
 ou'll learn loads and gain unique insight into the thoughts\, ideas and pa
 ssions of your peers. For speakers it's a unique opportunity to speak your
  mind\, try out a talk idea and boost your confidence in front of a friend
 ly crowd. Since the talks are short\, the pressure to prep and polish is l
 ow and you can focus on key ideas you want to share. See our website for a
 ll the details https://nott.tech/tn-oct-2021 **Win Stuff at Tech Nottingha
 m!** Weโ€™ll be giving away some awesome prizes to our lucky attendees. De
 tails on how to win will be shared during the event. **Join in with the No
 ttingham Tech Community online** The Tech Nottingham Slack group is a bust
 ling chat community of Nottingham tech folk sharing ideas\, jokes\, storie
 s and helping one another. We'd love for you to join in and be a part of i
 t! Join our Slack group: http://www.technottingham.com/slack **Thanks to o
 ur sponsors** Capital One\, Cronofy\, MHR Full event details here: https:/
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 >This month we hand control over to โ€ฆ you! The audience takes over in ou
 r ever-popular lightning talks event.</p> <p>Join us on Zoom. The joining 
 link will be published on the night of the event.</p> <p>-----------------
 ------</p> <p>***Lightning Talks***</p> <p>A lightning talk is a short tal
 k\, under five minutes on whatever subject you wish to speak about (Code o
 f Conduct permitting!). At the start of the session the audience has time 
 to write their talk title on a virtual post-it and those talks make up our
  evening. If there are too many talks to fit in to the evening\, we'll vot
 e on our favourites.</p> <p>For the audience it's a rapid-fire session whe
 re you'll learn loads and gain unique insight into the thoughts\, ideas an
 d passions of your peers.</p> <p>For speakers it's a unique opportunity to
  speak your mind\, try out a talk idea and boost your confidence in front 
 of a friendly crowd. Since the talks are short\, the pressure to prep and 
 polish is low and you can focus on key ideas you want to share.</p> <p>See
  our website for all the details <a href=\"https://nott.tech/tn-oct-2021\"
  class=\"linkified\">https://nott.tech/tn-oct-2021</a></p> <p>**Win Stuff 
 at Tech Nottingham!**</p> <p>Weโ€™ll be giving away some awesome prizes to
  our lucky attendees. Details on how to win will be shared during the even
 t.</p> <p>**Join in with the Nottingham Tech Community online**</p> <p>The
  Tech Nottingham Slack group is a bustling chat community of Nottingham te
 ch folk sharing ideas\, jokes\, stories and helping one another. We'd love
  for you to join in and be a part of it!</p> <p>Join our Slack group: <a h
 ref=\"http://www.technottingham.com/slack\" class=\"linkified\">http://www
 .technottingham.com/slack</a></p> <p>**Thanks to our sponsors**<br/>Capita
 l One\, Cronofy\, MHR</p> <p>Full event details here: <a href=\"https://ww
 w.technottingham.com/events/tech-nottingham-october-2021\" class=\"linkifi
SUMMARY:Dependency Management + Analysis
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/PHPMiNDS-i
 n-Nottingham/events/277881733/.\n\n\n\nSpeaker: Andreas Mรถller Managing d
 ependencies in a PHP project can be a nightmare\, but it does not have to 
 be. In this talk\, Andreas will show you how to get your dependencies unde
 r control. Andreas Mรถller is a self-employed software engineer and consul
 tant. He owns a computer and particularly enjoys modernizing legacy applic
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 <br><br><br><p>Speaker: Andreas Mรถller</p> <p>Managing dependencies in a 
 PHP project can be a nightmare\, but it does not have to be. In this talk\
 , Andreas will show you how to get your dependencies under control.</p> <p
 >Andreas Mรถller is a self-employed software engineer and consultant. He o
 wns a computer and particularly enjoys modernizing legacy applications.</p
SUMMARY:The Future of Continuous Delivery
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/PHPMiNDS-i
 n-Nottingham/events/285537637.\n\n\n\nItโ€™s the year 2022\, an exciting t
 ime for the tech industry. Globally\, software organizations and internet 
 companies are delivering more and more software\, at a rate and scale that
  weโ€™ve never faced before.This unprecedented demand has created new chal
 lenges for us all\, which have been hurting our organizations when creatin
 g continuous delivery solutions.The great thing about these new challenges
  is that theyโ€™ve sparked new and amazing innovations in the CI/CD indust
 ry.\n\nIn this presentation\, Paul Dragoonis talks about the following:\n\
 n* What new innovations the CI/CD\, Cloud Native and Open Source communiti
 es have been developing.\n* Where these innovations are taking the world o
 f continuous delivery.\n* What to expect\, from the CD community\, later t
 his year\, and into the future\n\nPaul Dragoonis is a\n\n* Open source con
 tributor\n* A member of the Jenkins (Blue Ocean and JenkinsX) projects.\n*
  A member of the PHP core language team\, and PHP-FIG member and standards
  author.\n* A member of the CDF (Continuous Delivery Foundation)\, which i
 s part of the Linux Foundation.\n\nHe works as an independent consultant i
 n roles ranging from CTO\, to Head of Engineering\, to principal architect
 /developer/QA/DevOps consultant.\n\nPaul spends a significant amount of hi
 s time rolling out CI/CD pipelines\, and embedding continuous delivery pro
 cesses and solutions into companies in the public and private sector.\n\nP
 aul is very passionate about what he does and enjoys sharing his experienc
 es with the wider community by way of private training or conference/meetu
 p speaking.
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 r><br><br>Itโ€™s the year 2022\, an exciting time for the tech industry. G
 lobally\, software organizations and internet companies are delivering mor
 e and more software\, at a rate and scale that weโ€™ve never faced before.
 This unprecedented demand has created new challenges for us all\, which ha
 ve been hurting our organizations when creating continuous delivery soluti
 ons.The great thing about these new challenges is that theyโ€™ve sparked n
 ew and amazing innovations in the CI/CD industry.<br><br>In this presentat
 ion\, Paul Dragoonis talks about the following:<br><br>* What new innovati
 ons the CI/CD\, Cloud Native and Open Source communities have been develop
 ing.<br>* Where these innovations are taking the world of continuous deliv
 ery.<br>* What to expect\, from the CD community\, later this year\, and i
 nto the future<br><br>Paul Dragoonis is a<br><br>* Open source contributor
 <br>* A member of the Jenkins (Blue Ocean and JenkinsX) projects.<br>* A m
 ember of the PHP core language team\, and PHP-FIG member and standards aut
 hor.<br>* A member of the CDF (Continuous Delivery Foundation)\, which is 
 part of the Linux Foundation.<br><br>He works as an independent consultant
  in roles ranging from CTO\, to Head of Engineering\, to principal archite
 ct/developer/QA/DevOps consultant.<br><br>Paul spends a significant amount
  of his time rolling out CI/CD pipelines\, and embedding continuous delive
 ry processes and solutions into companies in the public and private sector
 .<br><br>Paul is very passionate about what he does and enjoys sharing his
  experiences with the wider community by way of private training or confer
 ence/meetup speaking.
SUMMARY:Tech Nottingham July 2021 - Blameless Post-Mortems
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/Tech-Notti
 ngham/events/279000865/.\n\n\n\nThis month we welcome the wonderful Sophie
  Weston to Tech Nottingham. Plus we'll be having fun\, playing some games 
 and giving away swag and prizes. Join us on Zoom. The joining link will be
  published on the night of the event. ----------------------- ***Blameless
  Post-mortems (and why the 'blameless' bit really matters)*** by Sophie We
 ston Many of us are familiar with the practice of conducting blameless pos
 t-mortems after production outages but are we really making the most of th
 ese opportunities to learn\, or has it just become something we do out of 
 habit? In this talk\, Sophie will look again at the reasons for holding po
 st-mortems\, explore some best practices and what goes into making a succe
 ssful post-mortem\, and explain why the blameless bit really matters. **Ab
 out Sophie** Sophie has spent over twenty five years working in technology
  as a software engineer and DevOps advocate. Also active in the wider tech
  community\, she is an Ambassador for Women in Tech York and a co-organise
 r of the DevOpsDays London conference. **Win Stuff at Tech Nottingham!** W
 eโ€™ll be giving away some awesome prizes to our lucky attendees. Details 
 on how to win will be shared during the event. **Join in with the Nottingh
 am Tech Community online** The Tech Nottingham Slack group is a bustling c
 hat community of Nottingham tech folk sharing ideas\, jokes\, stories and 
 helping one another. We'd love for you to join in and be a part of it! Joi
 n our Slack group: http://www.technottingham.com/slack **Thanks to our spo
 nsors** Capital One\, Cronofy\, MHR Full event details here: https://www.t
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 >This month we welcome the wonderful Sophie Weston to Tech Nottingham.</p>
  <p>Plus we'll be having fun\, playing some games and giving away swag and
  prizes.</p> <p>Join us on Zoom. The joining link will be published on the
  night of the event.</p> <p>-----------------------</p> <p>***Blameless Po
 st-mortems (and why the 'blameless' bit really matters)***<br/>by Sophie W
 eston</p> <p>Many of us are familiar with the practice of conducting blame
 less post-mortems after production outages but are we really making the mo
 st of these opportunities to learn\, or has it just become something we do
  out of habit?</p> <p>In this talk\, Sophie will look again at the reasons
  for holding post-mortems\, explore some best practices and what goes into
  making a successful post-mortem\, and explain why the blameless bit reall
 y matters.</p> <p>**About Sophie**</p> <p>Sophie has spent over twenty fiv
 e years working in technology as a software engineer and DevOps advocate. 
 Also active in the wider tech community\, she is an Ambassador for Women i
 n Tech York and a co-organiser of the DevOpsDays London conference.</p> <p
 >**Win Stuff at Tech Nottingham!**</p> <p>Weโ€™ll be giving away some awes
 ome prizes to our lucky attendees. Details on how to win will be shared du
 ring the event.</p> <p>**Join in with the Nottingham Tech Community online
 **</p> <p>The Tech Nottingham Slack group is a bustling chat community of 
 Nottingham tech folk sharing ideas\, jokes\, stories and helping one anoth
 er. We'd love for you to join in and be a part of it!</p> <p>Join our Slac
 k group: <a href=\"http://www.technottingham.com/slack\" class=\"linkified
 \">http://www.technottingham.com/slack</a></p> <p>**Thanks to our sponsors
 **<br/>Capital One\, Cronofy\, MHR</p> <p>Full event details here: <a href
 =\"https://www.technottingham.com/events/tech-nottingham-july-2021\" class
SUMMARY:Women in Tech 6th May - The Gender Finance Gap
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/Women-In-T
 ech-Nottingham/events/277647614/.\n\n\n\n***UPDATE*** Unfortunately weโ€™v
 e had to postpone Kiaโ€™s talk due to illness. We hope she feels better so
 on and we'll see her at WiT in the future. Instead of the planned talk\, w
 eโ€™ll be hosting discussions on money and finance with stories from the c
 ommunity followed by a fun quiz and games. ******************** This month
  we welcome the fantastic Kia Commodore to speak at Women in Tech Nottingh
 am Plus we'll be having fun\, playing some games and giving away swag and 
 prizes. Join on Zoom. Joining link will be published on the night of the e
 vent. New to Online WiT? Read about what to expect here: https://www.techn
 ottingham.com/news/2020/5/6/attending-an-online-tech-nottingham-event ***T
 he Gender Finance Gap*** by Kia Commodore Weโ€™ve all heard that on averag
 e women and minorities get paid less but how does that affect our overall 
 financial stability? The media speaks to men as high earners and financier
 s but women are cast as shopaholics and financially illiterate\, no wonder
  men are more comfortable investing their money and saving for the future.
  Join Kia to find out what can we do to make money genderless and help eve
 ryone take control of their financial lives no matter where they are in li
 fe. **About Kia** Kia founded and runs the highly successful podcast Penni
 es Pounds - a financial literacy platform created to empower people by ena
 bling them to shape their future with complete knowledge. When Kiaโ€™s not
  podcasting\, sheโ€™s filming for her youtube channel or writing her new c
 olumn in OK! magazine. Kiaโ€™s used to work in the tech sector but her pas
 sion for finance led her in a different direction and now sheโ€™s helping 
 people all over the world understand their finances. **Win Free Stuff At W
 iT Notts!** We love giving away cool stuff! Find out how to win - details 
 coming soon. **Join in with the Nottingham Tech Community online** The con
 versation continues online in the Tech Nottingham Slack group\, which is a
  bustling\, friendly online community with a channel for (almost) everythi
 ng you can think of from #pets-corner to #devcorner\, #podcasts to #design
  and everything in between. We'd love to see you there! http://www.technot
 tingham.com/slack **Thanks to our sponsors** Capital One and Commify\, Lon
 don Stock Exchange Group and MHR **For all the details\, check our website
 ** https://www.technottingham.com/events/wit-may-2021
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 <br><br><br><br><p>***UPDATE***<br/>Unfortunately weโ€™ve had to postpone 
 Kiaโ€™s talk due to illness. We hope she feels better soon and we'll see h
 er at WiT in the future. Instead of the planned talk\, weโ€™ll be hosting 
 discussions on money and finance with stories from the community followed 
 by a fun quiz and games.<br/>********************</p> <p>This month we wel
 come the fantastic Kia Commodore to speak at Women in Tech Nottingham</p> 
 <p>Plus we'll be having fun\, playing some games and giving away swag and 
 prizes.</p> <p>Join on Zoom. Joining link will be published on the night o
 f the event.</p> <p>New to Online WiT? Read about what to expect here:<br/
 ><a href=\"https://www.technottingham.com/news/2020/5/6/attending-an-onlin
 e-tech-nottingham-event\" class=\"linkified\">https://www.technottingham.c
 om/news/2020/5/6/attending-an-online-tech-nottingham-event</a></p> <p>***T
 he Gender Finance Gap***<br/>by Kia Commodore</p> <p>Weโ€™ve all heard tha
 t on average women and minorities get paid less but how does that affect o
 ur overall financial stability? The media speaks to men as high earners an
 d financiers but women are cast as shopaholics and financially illiterate\
 , no wonder men are more comfortable investing their money and saving for 
 the future. Join Kia to find out what can we do to make money genderless a
 nd help everyone take control of their financial lives no matter where the
 y are in life.</p> <p>**About Kia**</p> <p>Kia founded and runs the highly
  successful podcast Pennies Pounds - a financial literacy platform created
  to empower people by enabling them to shape their future with complete kn
 owledge. When Kiaโ€™s not podcasting\, sheโ€™s filming for her youtube cha
 nnel or writing her new column in OK! magazine.<br/>Kiaโ€™s used to work i
 n the tech sector but her passion for finance led her in a different direc
 tion and now sheโ€™s helping people all over the world understand their fi
 nances.</p> <p>**Win Free Stuff At WiT Notts!**<br/>We love giving away co
 ol stuff! Find out how to win - details coming soon.</p> <p>**Join in with
  the Nottingham Tech Community online**</p> <p>The conversation continues 
 online in the Tech Nottingham Slack group\, which is a bustling\, friendly
  online community with a channel for (almost) everything you can think of 
 from #pets-corner to #devcorner\, #podcasts to #design and everything in b
 etween. We'd love to see you there! <a href=\"http://www.technottingham.co
 m/slack\" class=\"linkified\">http://www.technottingham.com/slack</a></p> 
 <p>**Thanks to our sponsors**<br/>Capital One and Commify\, London Stock E
 xchange Group and MHR</p> <p>**For all the details\, check our website**<b
 r/><a href=\"https://www.technottingham.com/events/wit-may-2021\" class=\"
SUMMARY:Tech Nottingham June 2021 - Going Live! - How To Broadcast Your Ex
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/Tech-Notti
 ngham/events/278158835/.\n\n\n\nThis month we welcome the fabulous Jonatha
 n Relf to Tech Nottingham. Plus we'll be having fun\, playing some games a
 nd giving away swag and prizes. Join us on Zoom. The joining link will be 
 published on the night of the event. ----------------------- ***Going Live
 ! - How To Broadcast Your Experience*** by Jonathan Relf You have gained a
  lot of useful\, hard-won experience. It can be difficult to know how to s
 hare your knowledge and get past the question of even if you should. So mu
 ch content is being created every minute in new ways it can be difficult t
 o know where to start. Jonathan has a wealth of experience from blogging\,
  podcasting\, and video production & streaming. This talk will not only en
 courage you to record your experiences but will provide you with tools and
  techniques to help you do that\, whatever medium you choose to use. From 
 creation\, through editing\, to production & distribution\, find out how y
 ou can share more of your unique take on any topic. **About Jonathan** Jon
 athan Relf is Solutions Architect with over 13 years experience of working
  in development\, operations\, and leadership roles. His previous career w
 as in television and theatre technical roles. Combining with his passion f
 or learning & communication he uses this knowledge in his public speaking\
 , podcasting\, and streaming. Currently his two main media projects are pr
 oducing and co-hosting the Agile Engineering Podcast and live coding on Az
 ureish Live. Jonathan is also a Code Club volunteer\, and attempts to figh
 t โ€˜death by PowerPointโ€™ at any given opportunity. **Win Stuff at Tech 
 Nottingham!** Weโ€™ll be giving away some awesome prizes to our lucky atte
 ndees. Details on how to win will be shared during the event. **Join in wi
 th the Nottingham Tech Community online** The Tech Nottingham Slack group 
 is a bustling chat community of Nottingham tech folk sharing ideas\, jokes
 \, stories and helping one another. We'd love for you to join in and be a 
 part of it! Join our Slack group: http://www.technottingham.com/slack **Th
 anks to our sponsors** Capital One\, Cronofy\, MHR Full event details here
 : https://www.technottingham.com/events/tech-nottingham-jun-2021
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 >This month we welcome the fabulous Jonathan Relf to Tech Nottingham.</p> 
 <p>Plus we'll be having fun\, playing some games and giving away swag and 
 prizes.</p> <p>Join us on Zoom. The joining link will be published on the 
 night of the event.</p> <p>-----------------------</p> <p>***Going Live! -
  How To Broadcast Your Experience***<br/>by Jonathan Relf</p> <p>You have 
 gained a lot of useful\, hard-won experience. It can be difficult to know 
 how to share your knowledge and get past the question of even if you shoul
 d. So much content is being created every minute in new ways it can be dif
 ficult to know where to start.</p> <p>Jonathan has a wealth of experience 
 from blogging\, podcasting\, and video production &amp\; streaming. This t
 alk will not only encourage you to record your experiences but will provid
 e you with tools and techniques to help you do that\, whatever medium you 
 choose to use. From creation\, through editing\, to production &amp\; dist
 ribution\, find out how you can share more of your unique take on any topi
 c.</p> <p>**About Jonathan**</p> <p>Jonathan Relf is Solutions Architect w
 ith over 13 years experience of working in development\, operations\, and 
 leadership roles. His previous career was in television and theatre techni
 cal roles. Combining with his passion for learning &amp\; communication he
  uses this knowledge in his public speaking\, podcasting\, and streaming. 
 Currently his two main media projects are producing and co-hosting the Agi
 le Engineering Podcast and live coding on Azureish Live.</p> <p>Jonathan i
 s also a Code Club volunteer\, and attempts to fight โ€˜death by PowerPoin
 tโ€™ at any given opportunity.</p> <p>**Win Stuff at Tech Nottingham!**</p
 > <p>Weโ€™ll be giving away some awesome prizes to our lucky attendees. De
 tails on how to win will be shared during the event.</p> <p>**Join in with
  the Nottingham Tech Community online**</p> <p>The Tech Nottingham Slack g
 roup is a bustling chat community of Nottingham tech folk sharing ideas\, 
 jokes\, stories and helping one another. We'd love for you to join in and 
 be a part of it!</p> <p>Join our Slack group: <a href=\"http://www.technot
 tingham.com/slack\" class=\"linkified\">http://www.technottingham.com/slac
 k</a></p> <p>**Thanks to our sponsors**<br/>Capital One\, Cronofy\, MHR</p
 > <p>Full event details here: <a href=\"https://www.technottingham.com/eve
 nts/tech-nottingham-jun-2021\" class=\"linkified\">https://www.technotting
SUMMARY:OpenApi for contract testing
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/PHPMiNDS-i
 n-Nottingham/events/283772790.\n\n\n\nJoin us on Zoom to hear Phil Sturgeo
 n discuss OpenApi for contract testing
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 r><br><br>Join us on Zoom to hear Phil Sturgeon discuss OpenApi for contra
 ct testing
SUMMARY:Women in Tech 3rd February - Recruitment And Job Seeking
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/Women-In-T
 ech-Nottingham/events/283603380.\n\n\n\nThis month we welcome three fabulo
 us speakers to the Women in Tech Nottingham virtual stage - Carol Gilabert
 \, Mica Bell\, and Rania Nur.\n\nPlus we'll be having fun\, socialising an
 d giving away swag and prizes.\n\nThis event will be online on Zoom. The j
 oining link will be published on the day of the event.\n\n----------------
 --------\n\n***Recruitment Special***\n\n**Proper Preparation Prevents P*s
 s Poor Performance*\nby Mica Bell\n\nThe most important thing you can do w
 hen embarking on a job search is to prepare. This comes in many different 
 forms\, and will help you at all stages of the process\, even before you a
 ctually start looking. This talk\, hopefully\, will give a good starting p
 oint and high-level checklist to make sure you get the job you want in the
  smoothest way possible\, and is intended for anyone who might be looking 
 for a job at any point and feels overwhelmed or intimidated.\n\n**Looking 
 For A Job While Looking After Yourself**\nby Carol Gilabert\n\nJob hunting
  in tech is not an easy task\, let alone when you're living through a pand
 emic\, stressed and burned out. In this short talk I'll go over what worke
 d for me during my last job search\, and how I managed to find a job despi
 te having little time and energy to spare.\n\n**A Different Kind Of Recrui
 tment**\nby Rania Nur\n\nDetails to be announced.\n\n**About Our Speakers*
 *\n*Mica*\nTech recruiter at Rebel Recruiters\; Mica specialises in the Ea
 st Midsโ€™ Developer market. Co-organiser of DevOps Notts and Agile Engine
 ering Podcast Host\, tech community enthusiast. She has worked with tech c
 ompanies and candidates of all shapes and sizes for 10 years.\n\n*Carol*\n
 Carol is an organiser at Tech Nottingham and a Web Engineer at Monzo. She 
 cares about community\, the web\, and her dog Juno ๐Ÿ–ค.\n\n**Win Free Stu
 ff At WiT Notts!**\nWeโ€™ll be giving away some awesome prizes to our luck
 y attendees. Details on how to win will be shared during the event.\n\n**J
 oin in with the Nottingham Tech Community online**\n\nThe conversation con
 tinues online in the Tech Nottingham Slack group\, which is a bustling\, f
 riendly online community with a channel for (almost) everything you can th
 ink of from #pets-corner to #devcorner\, #podcasts to #design and everythi
 ng in between. We'd love to see you there! http://www.technottingham.com/s
 lack\n\n**Thanks to our sponsors**\nCapital One\, Commify\, London Stock E
 xchange Group and MHR\n\n**For all the details\, check our website**\nhttp
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 r><br><br><br>This month we welcome three fabulous speakers to the Women i
 n Tech Nottingham virtual stage - Carol Gilabert\, Mica Bell\, and Rania N
 ur.<br><br>Plus we'll be having fun\, socialising and giving away swag and
  prizes.<br><br>This event will be online on Zoom. The joining link will b
 e published on the day of the event.<br><br>------------------------<br><b
 r>***Recruitment Special***<br><br>**Proper Preparation Prevents P*ss Poor
  Performance*<br>by Mica Bell<br><br>The most important thing you can do w
 hen embarking on a job search is to prepare. This comes in many different 
 forms\, and will help you at all stages of the process\, even before you a
 ctually start looking. This talk\, hopefully\, will give a good starting p
 oint and high-level checklist to make sure you get the job you want in the
  smoothest way possible\, and is intended for anyone who might be looking 
 for a job at any point and feels overwhelmed or intimidated.<br><br>**Look
 ing For A Job While Looking After Yourself**<br>by Carol Gilabert<br><br>J
 ob hunting in tech is not an easy task\, let alone when you're living thro
 ugh a pandemic\, stressed and burned out. In this short talk I'll go over 
 what worked for me during my last job search\, and how I managed to find a
  job despite having little time and energy to spare.<br><br>**A Different 
 Kind Of Recruitment**<br>by Rania Nur<br><br>Details to be announced.<br><
 br>**About Our Speakers**<br>*Mica*<br>Tech recruiter at Rebel Recruiters\
 ; Mica specialises in the East Midsโ€™ Developer market. Co-organiser of D
 evOps Notts and Agile Engineering Podcast Host\, tech community enthusiast
 . She has worked with tech companies and candidates of all shapes and size
 s for 10 years.<br><br>*Carol*<br>Carol is an organiser at Tech Nottingham
  and a Web Engineer at Monzo. She cares about community\, the web\, and he
 r dog Juno ๐Ÿ–ค.<br><br>**Win Free Stuff At WiT Notts!**<br>Weโ€™ll be giv
 ing away some awesome prizes to our lucky attendees. Details on how to win
  will be shared during the event.<br><br>**Join in with the Nottingham Tec
 h Community online**<br><br>The conversation continues online in the Tech 
 Nottingham Slack group\, which is a bustling\, friendly online community w
 ith a channel for (almost) everything you can think of from #pets-corner t
 o #devcorner\, #podcasts to #design and everything in between. We'd love t
 o see you there! http://www.technottingham.com/slack<br><br>**Thanks to ou
 r sponsors**<br>Capital One\, Commify\, London Stock Exchange Group and MH
 R<br><br>**For all the details\, check our website**<br>https://www.techno
SUMMARY:Women in Tech 5th August - Listening deeply and sharing bravely
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/Women-In-T
 ech-Nottingham/events/279591827/.\n\n\n\nThis month we welcome the fantast
 ic Tess Cooper to speak at Women in Tech Nottingham. Plus we'll be having 
 fun\, playing some games and giving away swag and prizes. The event is rem
 ote via Zoom\, the link to join will be provided on the day of the event. 
 New to Online WiT? Read about what to expect here: https://www.technotting
 ham.com/news/2020/5/6/attending-an-online-tech-nottingham-event ----------
 -------------- ***Listening deeply and sharing bravely*** by Tess Cooper T
 rigger warning: This talk briefly mentions sexual abuse at the start Durin
 g this talk Tess will share how trauma and social conditioning affect how 
 we work\, and how the simple act of listening and sharing bravely can unlo
 ck our capacity to build better teams\, products and lives. From inspirati
 onal story-telling to practical exercises\, Tess's talk will take you on a
  journey towards building the courage to truly be heard and understood\, a
 nd to hold space for others to experience that for themselves. **About Tes
 s** Tess is the founder of Collaborative Future\, a social enterprise on a
  mission to build diverse teams that thrive. Specialising in work placemen
 t programmes\, Collaborative Future connects growing organisations with un
 deremployed talent and supports teams to build an empowering work environm
 ent for everyone. Prior to setting up Collaborative Future\, Tess spent ov
 er decade building and leading digital teams across The Guardian\, Comic R
 elief and FutureLearn\, where she eventually became Director of People and
  Culture due to witnessing and experiencing a system that was built around
  a dominant masculine culture. **Win Free Stuff At WiT Notts!** Weโ€™ll be
  giving away some awesome prizes to our lucky attendees. Details on how to
  win will be shared during the event. **Join in with the Nottingham Tech C
 ommunity online** The conversation continues online in the Tech Nottingham
  Slack group\, which is a bustling\, friendly online community with a chan
 nel for (almost) everything you can think of from #pets-corner to #devcorn
 er\, #podcasts to #design and everything in between. We'd love to see you 
 there! http://www.technottingham.com/slack **Thanks to our sponsors** Capi
 tal One\, Commify\, London Stock Exchange Group and MHR **For all the deta
 ils\, check our website** https://www.technottingham.com/events/wit-august
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 <br><br><br><br><p>This month we welcome the fantastic Tess Cooper to spea
 k at Women in Tech Nottingham.</p> <p>Plus we'll be having fun\, playing s
 ome games and giving away swag and prizes.</p> <p>The event is remote via 
 Zoom\, the link to join will be provided on the day of the event.</p> <p>N
 ew to Online WiT? Read about what to expect here:<br/><a href=\"https://ww
 nt\" class=\"linkified\">https://www.technottingham.com/news/2020/5/6/atte
 nding-an-online-tech-nottingham-event</a></p> <p>------------------------<
 /p> <p>***Listening deeply and sharing bravely***<br/>by Tess Cooper</p> <
 p>Trigger warning: This talk briefly mentions sexual abuse at the start</p
 > <p>During this talk Tess will share how trauma and social conditioning a
 ffect how we work\, and how the simple act of listening and sharing bravel
 y can unlock our capacity to build better teams\, products and lives.</p> 
 <p>From inspirational story-telling to practical exercises\, Tess's talk w
 ill take you on a journey towards building the courage to truly be heard a
 nd understood\, and to hold space for others to experience that for themse
 lves.</p> <p>**About Tess**</p> <p>Tess is the founder of Collaborative Fu
 ture\, a social enterprise on a mission to build diverse teams that thrive
 . Specialising in work placement programmes\, Collaborative Future connect
 s growing organisations with underemployed talent and supports teams to bu
 ild an empowering work environment for everyone. Prior to setting up Colla
 borative Future\, Tess spent over decade building and leading digital team
 s across The Guardian\, Comic Relief and FutureLearn\, where she eventuall
 y became Director of People and Culture due to witnessing and experiencing
  a system that was built around a dominant masculine culture.</p> <p>**Win
  Free Stuff At WiT Notts!**<br/>Weโ€™ll be giving away some awesome prizes
  to our lucky attendees. Details on how to win will be shared during the e
 vent.</p> <p>**Join in with the Nottingham Tech Community online**</p> <p>
 The conversation continues online in the Tech Nottingham Slack group\, whi
 ch is a bustling\, friendly online community with a channel for (almost) e
 verything you can think of from #pets-corner to #devcorner\, #podcasts to 
 #design and everything in between. We'd love to see you there! <a href=\"h
 ttp://www.technottingham.com/slack\" class=\"linkified\">http://www.techno
 ttingham.com/slack</a></p> <p>**Thanks to our sponsors**<br/>Capital One\,
  Commify\, London Stock Exchange Group and MHR</p> <p>**For all the detail
 s\, check our website**<br/><a href=\"https://www.technottingham.com/event
 s/wit-august-2021\" class=\"linkified\">https://www.technottingham.com/eve
SUMMARY:Tech Nottingham September 2021 - What You Should Know About Tech L
DESCRIPTION:More details can be found at https://www.meetup.com/Tech-Notti
 ngham/events/280172964/.\n\n\n\nThis month we welcome the wonderful Ben Wa
 ymark to Tech Nottingham. Plus we'll be having fun\, playing some games an
 d giving away swag and prizes. Join us on Zoom. The joining link will be p
 ublished on the night of the event. https://nott.tech/tn-sep-2021-zoom Mee
 ting ID:[masked] Passcode: TNSept21! ----------------------- ***What you s
 hould know about tech leadership*** by Ben Waymark This talk is a \"back t
 o basics\" discussion about being a technical leader and what it means for
  you either as a tech leader\, an aspiring tech leader or as someone who w
 ants to avoid leadership all together and stick to engineering! In the tal
 k we'll discuss the four pillars of executive tech leadership: Product\, T
 echnology\, Team and Budget and how to balance progressing each of those. 
 We will also look a bit at the emotional impact of leadership and โ€œimpos
 ter syndromeโ€. **About Ben** Ben has 20+ years of experience in innovati
 on\, strategic planning\, and change management. His strategic focus is to
  maintain a broad view of the emerging technologies\, development theories
  and practices evaluating each to discern which of those provide value and
  are worth adopting. He is currently working for a Fintech startup doing a
 utomated conversations for the credit and collection industry and before t
 hat was working for the Travel & Tourism as a product manager for an Airli
 ne Chatbot. **Win Stuff at Tech Nottingham!** Weโ€™ll be giving away some 
 awesome prizes to our lucky attendees. Details on how to win will be share
 d during the event. **Join in with the Nottingham Tech Community online** 
 The Tech Nottingham Slack group is a bustling chat community of Nottingham
  tech folk sharing ideas\, jokes\, stories and helping one another. We'd l
 ove for you to join in and be a part of it! Join our Slack group: http://w
 ww.technottingham.com/slack **Thanks to our sponsors** Capital One\, Crono
 fy\, MHR Full event details here: https://www.technottingham.com/events/te
X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:<p><em>More details can be found at <a href=\
 >This month we welcome the wonderful Ben Waymark to Tech Nottingham.</p> <
 p>Plus we'll be having fun\, playing some games and giving away swag and p
 rizes.</p> <p>Join us on Zoom. The joining link will be published on the n
 ight of the event.</p> <p><a href=\"https://nott.tech/tn-sep-2021-zoom\" c
 lass=\"linkified\">https://nott.tech/tn-sep-2021-zoom</a></p> <p>Meeting I
 D:[masked]<br/>Passcode: TNSept21!</p> <p>-----------------------</p> <p>*
 **What you should know about tech leadership***<br/>by Ben Waymark</p> <p>
 This talk is a \"back to basics\" discussion about being a technical leade
 r and what it means for you either as a tech leader\, an aspiring tech lea
 der or as someone who wants to avoid leadership all together and stick to 
 engineering! In the talk we'll discuss the four pillars of executive tech 
 leadership: Product\, Technology\, Team and Budget and how to balance prog
 ressing each of those. We will also look a bit at the emotional impact of 
 leadership and โ€œimposter syndromeโ€.</p> <p>**About Ben**</p> <p>Ben ha
 s 20+ years of experience in innovation\, strategic planning\, and change 
 management. His strategic focus is to maintain a broad view of the emergin
 g technologies\, development theories and practices evaluating each to dis
 cern which of those provide value and are worth adopting. He is currently 
 working for a Fintech startup doing automated conversations for the credit
  and collection industry and before that was working for the Travel &amp\;
  Tourism as a product manager for an Airline Chatbot.</p> <p>**Win Stuff a
 t Tech Nottingham!**</p> <p>Weโ€™ll be giving away some awesome prizes to 
 our lucky attendees. Details on how to win will be shared during the event
 .</p> <p>**Join in with the Nottingham Tech Community online**</p> <p>The 
 Tech Nottingham Slack group is a bustling chat community of Nottingham tec
 h folk sharing ideas\, jokes\, stories and helping one another. We'd love 
 for you to join in and be a part of it!</p> <p>Join our Slack group: <a hr
 ef=\"http://www.technottingham.com/slack\" class=\"linkified\">http://www.
 technottingham.com/slack</a></p> <p>**Thanks to our sponsors**<br/>Capital
  One\, Cronofy\, MHR</p> <p>Full event details here: <a href=\"https://www
 .technottingham.com/events/tech-nottingham-september-2021\" class=\"linkif